Heart Patients and Dioxin ? Is there any direct scientific corelation ? Read to know more
Digoxin, on the other hand, is a medication derived from the foxglove plant, also known as Digitalis purpurea. It works by increasing the strength and efficiency of heart contractions, which can help improve symptoms of heart failure and certain heart rhythm disorders . Digoxin can slow down or increase heart rate, depending on the individual 1234 .
There is no direct link between dioxins and heart patients. However, exposure to dioxins can cause developmental problems in children, lead to reproductive and infertility problems in adults, result in miscarriages, damage the immune system, and interfere with hormones 34.
It is important to be aware of the potential health hazards of dioxins in animal fat and to take steps to reduce exposure. Prevention or reduction of human exposure is best done via source-directed measures, i.e. strict control of industrial processes to reduce formation of dioxins 1.
In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the potential health hazards of dioxins in animal fat and to take steps to reduce exposure. By being mindful of the food we eat and the sources of our food, we can help reduce our exposure to these harmful compounds and protect our health and the health of our children.
# References
[^1^][1]: World Health Organization (WHO)
[^2^][2]: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
[^3^][3]: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
[^4^][4]: Illinois Department of Public Health
: [Nao Medical](https://naomedical.com/blog/digoxin-heart-rate-effects-nao-medical/)