Why 0-4˚C cold chain is maintained for fish storage at VTF?
Fish is renowned for having delicate flesh which can be prepared in a variety of ways. And hence it comes under perishable commodity where spoilage time and the rate are higher if it is not stored at a proper condition or temperature. Even when we bought from a seafood market can easily spoil when not acquired fresh and stored immediately in the proper conditions.
Fish must be properly preserved and cooked to the right internal temperature to avoid giving consumers food sickness and food born illness. The pH of the fish will remain neutral while being stored at 0 to 4 ˚C and at this stage, the microbial activity will be seen less, and it changes as the storage temperature (Increasing in temperature) changes. When the variations occur, it might lead to Fish deterioration which can be caused by harmful microorganisms or enzymatic processes, due to microbial activity pH of the product will change from a neutral to an acidic state and where it shows microbial growth. Keeping the product between the temperature of 0-4˚C allows the color, texture, flavor, and freshness to be retained.
When fish is kept at a temperature of 0-4˚C, both possible sources of spoiling can be greatly reduced to some extent with its freshness as it is while harvesting. Fresh fish's freshness gradually degrades if the temperature is higher than 0-4˚C. Temperature control is the most effective way to slow down bacterial growth, delay spoilage and maintain seafood quality. By considering these aspects fish are kept at 0-4 ˚C.
At VTF throughout the process, i.e. from the time of the harvest till the product is delivered to the customer temperature is maintained at 0-4˚C by using various techniques and methods. Which is as follows,
- After harvesting the Fish is immediately Stunned and killed using called Ice Method. The Stunned /killed Fish is Packed in an Insulated box with 3 layers of Icing called Sandwich icing and it is transported to the VTF’s Processing Unit.
- Once it reaches the PU the whole fish is taken from the insulated box and transferred to a Crates and it is immediately re-iced to maintain the temperature of 0-4˚C the Processing Area is maintained at a temperature of less than 15 ˚C. This helps to retain the Freshness thereby enhancing the Taste & Flavor of the processed fishes
- The product is Vacuum packed and kept a Cold room at Temperature of 0-4˚C and at the time of delivery the Product is kept at Insulated bag with gel pads to maintain the temperature and delivered to the Customers.
Inclosing: VTF Process as per our strict SOP, this is implemented by our Quality Team to make sure that our customers enjoy the Premium Product at doorstep. i.e. Fresh, Safe, Tasty, Good Flavor & High in Nutrition. Not to forget our Fish Products are odorless due to this strict quality process being followed.
This blog was written by Mr. Rohit D - MTech in Food Technology and a Senior Quality Executive at Vridhi Techno Farms Private Limited (VTF).